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Plans for the end of the road

Dez Loreen
Northern News Services

Inuvik (Apr 14/06) - With the festival date still four months away, organizers are getting an early start planning the third annual End of the Road music festival.

Since the organizers of the festival recently formed a society, the responsibility of undertaking the whole event has been lifted from the town's shoulders.

NNSL Photo/graphic

Dave Rogers is the special events assistant for the Town of Inuvik, and is busy preparing for the End of the Road music festival in August. The festival organizers have gained society status, but continue to work closely with town officials. - Dez Loreen/NNSL photo

Jonathan Churcher, president of the society, said the town will still play a major role in the process, however.

"We are no longer totally affiliated with the town, but will continue to work very closely with them," said Churcher.

The first society board meeting was held on April 11, where planning for the music festival began.

Churcher said the festival is looking to be hosted in other venues outside the hockey rink, where it has been held in previous years.

"We are in initial discussions and looking at what is available for use this summer," said Churcher.

Dave Rogers, special events assistant with the Town of Inuvik, is working closely with the society.

Rogers said fundraising events are being planned for the next few months leading up to the festival in August.

A talent show is slated to take place on May 21, at the Mad Trapper bar.

The show is being held to celebrate the long weekend and create awareness of the festival.

"Think of it like another Saturday night," said Rogers with a laugh.

Festival shirts will be given to participants of the talent show. A prize of $500 will be given to the winner, and is provided by the Mackenzie Delta Hotel group, as well as a spot on the festival lineup.

The talent show will also give the society a chance to seek potential acts for the festival.

Admission will be charged at the door, but no price has been decided yet, said Rogers.

A call for entertainers has also been put out by the society and they are looking for any local talent who want to be in the spotlight.

"We want to feature as much local talent as possible," said Churcher.

It takes many months to pull a festival of this size off properly, and Churcher said they want their talent lineup as soon as possible. "We are on schedule, but there is no time to waste," said Churcher.

An electronic mailing list has also been circulating through email, and the society is always looking to add new volunteers, or interested people to it.