Dez Loreen
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Feb 08/06) - On Feb. 1, the Canadian Forces Northern Area changed its name to Joint Task Force North (JTFN), and with that took on some new responsibilities.

Col. Norm Couturier signs a set of documents that officially re-names the Canadian Forces Northern Area to the new name of Joint Task Force North. - Dez Loreen/NNSL photo
"Expect a greater military presence in the North," said Col. Norm Couturier on Feb. 3 at JTFN headquarters in Yellowknife.
With this comes a greater awareness system in the Arctic region.
"We need to be aware of any activity in the North. Our area of interest is larger than our area of responsibility," said Couturier.
More personnel will be brought in to Yellowknife to work at the headquarters, but Couturier is not yet sure what their duties will be.
Bringing up military from the south will also happen more often, said Couturier.
"Training exercises will take place in small communities over the next year," he said.
The use of the Canadian Rangers - the most visible sovereignty presence - will also increase, noted Couturier.
Also within the next year, the JTFN will be increasing communications with the southern provinces.
"This way, when something happens in Newfoundland, we don't have to hear about it from CBC alone," said Couturier.