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They survived!

Jason Unrau
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Feb 17/06) - After structural problems at Samuel Hearne secondary school left its staff and students at locations all around town for most of the first semester, the school decided to commemorate the time away with "Survivor" T-shirts.

Borrowing the Survivor television series logo, the T-shirts list the locations - SAMS school, Aurora College, Midnight Sun Recreation Complex and Curling Club - where students took classes.

"(Art teacher) Barry McEvoy designed the shirts," said principal David Reid, who sported a Survivor T-shirt at the community feast hosted by SHSS last Wednesday.

"It came out of an idea as to where we've been and the fact it was such a community effort to keep the school year going."

According to Reid, each staff member and student were given a shirt to remember the event.

While staff and students of the high school have been back at Samuel Hearne secondary school since early December, Wednesday's community feast at the school marked the return for many.

"This feast really welcomes us back," said teacher Eric Church, who counted 350 people in attendance. "It feels like we're really here and it's great the community gets to see the nice changes."

And many students at the feast were proudly wearing their Survivor T-shirts, including Cameron MacDonald.

So how does it feel to be a survivor?

"It feels alright, but not that special," he said, shrugging his shoulders.

"It is good to be back in the school, though."