Kent Driscoll
Northern News Services
Spence Bay (Feb 13/06) - The new mayor of Taloyoak is ready to fight for his community, even against his own family.

Jimmy Oleekatalik, the new mayor of Taloyoak. - photo courtesy of Jayko Neeveacheak
Jimmy Oleekatalik - known by most as Jimmy O - won the recent by-election in Taloyoak, and joins his father Simon Oleekatalik on council.
Parents and children often see issues in different ways. The Oleekataliks are no different, but the mayor thinks it will help.
"If I have to stand up to him, I will, and we are close enough that I know I can say that," said the younger Oleekatalik.
Oleekatalik was the recreation director in Taloyoak before becoming mayor, but he always had his eye on elected office.
"I think it is my calling as a human being. It has been a long time coming. I've always been around politicians and it just came naturally," said Oleekatalik.
The new mayor wants to see more money spent in the community, and on the community, by giving contracts to locals to build new housing. That way, money spent in the community will remain in the community.
"We have inherited problems, we need some more houses for sure," said Oleekatalik.