Dez Loreen
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Jan 27/06) - Today is Family Literacy Day and elementary schools in the city have been hosting events all week long.
Ecole St. Joseph's library technician Brenda MacLeod said there's always some sort of reading-oriented activity going on at St. Joe's.
K'alemi Dene students pored over books delivered by De Beers April 28 as part of their Books in Homes program. It gives kids in their mine impact communities $27 worth of books to keep. Pictured reading is Dzewa Tsetta. - photo courtesy of Lisa Scott
A word bingo scheduled for lunchtime today focuses on building vocabularies, while having the fun of playing bingo.
MacLeod said books would be the main prize at the bingo. The idea came from a package sent out by the Literacy Council.
Brad Heath of the Literacy Council said the packages were sent out to many educators in the NWT, and are filled with reading-based activities.
The fun continues at Mildred Hall elementary, where activities have been going on all week as well.
Sharon Kronstal is the librarian for the school. She said this week has been very busy.
Wednesday night was designated family literacy night, with parents reading to their kids and making crafts.
Kronstal said family night is always held on the last Wednesday of every month.
Weledeh school was busy on Wednesday with a pyjama read in, where students were encouraged to wear their pyjamas to school.
Wednesday night was also parent reading night, where students were encouraged to read with their parents.
The Dogrib students at Weledeh school prepared a great lunch for readers, as well.
Caribou stew and bannock was served, followed by traditional story-telling. Parents were invited.
N.J. MacPherson school has always invited parents to read with their children at lunchtime on Family Literacy Day, said Principal Michelle Krause.