"Some have meat, and cannot eat, And some cannot eat that want it; But we have meat, and we can eat - And let the Lord be thanked." - Scottish poet Robert Burns (1759-1796)
Daron Letts
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Jan 20/06) - Bagpipers and highland dancers will perform at the annual Robbie Burns dinner at the Elk's Club later this month.
The NWT Pipe Band and highland dancers will perform during the evening event.
Participants will have an opportunity to learn some Scottish country dances, as well.
The Ladies of the Royal Purple will prepare a traditional meal.
The dinner event includes a haggis ordered specially for the meal.
Haggis consists of a sheep's stomach filled with various cuts of ground meats and rolled oats.
"It's a bit like spicy sausage," said NWT Pipe Band pipe major Floyd Adlem. "Some people like it a lot. It's quite tasty."
The feast will pause for the toast to the laddies and the lassies and the toast to Robbie Burns himself.
"Everybody who comes always has a great time," Adlem said. "It's the highlight of the year for us."
Afterward, the Pipe Band will also draw for a trip for two to Scotland during the evening.
The celebration begins at 6 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 28.
A DJ-run dance follows the dinner and performances.
Tickets include a free cab ride home.