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A stitch in time

Jason Unrau
Northern News Services

Inuvik (Jan 13/06) - It's Saturday afternoon and the infectious laugh of volunteer Ruth Wright can be heard coming out of the conference room at the Alex Moses Greenland Building on Distributor Street.

NNSL Photo/graphic

Ruth Wright has got the sewing bug and is looking for others to come and catch the fever. - Jason Unrau/NNSL photo

After entering, one can't help but see the assortment of sewing supplies that would make most stitchers envious.

"And there's no cost whatsoever," said Wright of the 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. classes in which participants can work on "just about anything their heart desires."

Sounds like a good deal for both the experienced or budding sewers out there in Inuvik.

"It's open to all ages for anybody who wants to learn how to sew, or just to hang out and work on your own project," added Wright. "Somebody who's bored-er than beans could come in and make these felt flower accents for clothing, too."

While there's no charge for basic supplies or Wright's instruction, it should be noted that 'extraordinary things' such as furs or tanned hides would have to be purchased by those wishing to incorporate them into a project.

For beginners though, Wright says the first three projects are a sewing bag, pin cushion and sewing apron.

"Then we'll be getting into other projects," she said. "But every sewer should have these three things."

And one sewer who does is 14-year-old Trinity Firth, who turned out at last Saturday's session.

"I've sewed before," she said of her experience. "And made lots of stuff."

So what project does she plan to tackle first?

"I don't know, we'll see."

Sewing club classes will run through until spring each Saturday from 1-5 p.m. at the Alex Moses Greenland Building conference room.

In her continued efforts to get friends and families out for some fun, Wright has also organized Board Game Night each Friday from 5 p.m. at the same location.

"You should've seen it last Friday," said Wright with considerable enthusiasm. "This place was packed."