Friday, December 2, 2005 A garbage decision
Commercial users are upset because they are finding out a month before the city's new contract with Kavanaugh Brothers comes into effect Jan. 1, that they will have to make their own arrangements to have garbage picked up. It's not that the city's business case for the decision doesn't make sense. Commercial building owners were not paying their fair share for garbage pick-up. City Hall reported back in March that the service cost them $800,000 a year while only bringing in $493,000 through solid waste levies charged to businesses. Residents, on the other hand, were paying $830,000 even though it only cost the city $380,000. Bearing that in mind, we have to wonder where city council found the fairness in raising the residential solid waste levy last year to $11 a month from $10 but that's a different kettle of fish. City Hall has cut businesses loose while hanging onto their profitable cash pool of homeowners, but in getting there, they neglected to properly consult commercial users. They can argue that this was all made public months ago, that forums were held prior to council's decision, but the city has a special responsibility to its citizens - both corporate and individual alike. The city is not selling life insurance or asking people to buy a new car. They should not expect people to read the fine print, dig through council committee reports, or attend every public meeting. Commercial users should have been contacted months ago, if not directly then through the Yellowknife Chamber of Commerce. Many businesses will likely see substantial increases to garbage rates come January. It's unreasonable to make these people scramble and figure out cost projections during the holiday season. Public Works director Greg Kehoe said the change will give businesses "more flexibility." That's absurd. Flexibility means commercial users should have options. Right now, they can either go with Kavanaugh at a higher rate or bring their garbage to the dump themselves. The city's lateness in consulting businesses also negates any chance of competition arising to counter Kavanaugh's monopoly. There's an open house Dec. 15 to discuss the changes. We expect business owners will tell councillors their flexibility will come during next year's municipal election.
Literacy numbers speak a language all their own
Editorial Comment We agree with Education Minister Ed Picco that we have to celebrate the success of students who have come through Nunavut's education system. In fact, we here at Kivalliq News go to great lengths to report on the success stories and special projects being undertaken in the Kivalliq's 11 schools. That being said, we also realize there are major problems in our education system that have to be recognized and, more importantly, addressed. And, while we fully support the government's attempts to increase the use of Inuktitut in our classrooms, it has to be done in such a way that our students' ability to develop their English and/or French literacy skills are not compromised. Nunavut does not have the economy to support unilingual (Inuktitut) youth growing up to be financially and socially successful, as can be the case in Quebec with unilingual French-speaking youth - and that's keeping in mind French is one of two official languages in Canada.
That's why the Statistics Canada report released earlier this month is particularly disturbing. The report shows Nunavut residents have the lowest English literacy rates in the country. Conducted among people aged 16 to 65, the survey shows that almost 90 per cent of Inuit have a literacy rate lower than the minimum level required to function in society - and function is a long, long way from succeed. The report also shows Nunavut to have the lowest French literacy rate in Canada. Picco is correct in his statement that Nunavummiut would score much higher if they were tested in Inuktitut. However, Inuktitut was the primary language spoken by only a little more than half of those tested. In response to a barrage of questions from Iqaluit Central MLA Hunter Tootoo, Picco pointed to the facts we had our highest number of graduates this past year (173, of whom 156 were Inuit), and more than 300 students are involved with post-secondary studies here at home and in the South. That, unfortunately, is to be expected with the swell of students in our system. In fact, three Nunavut schools have already passed the 100 per cent capacity mark, with two at 115 per cent and Gjoa Haven leading the way at an astounding 132 per cent of student capacity. Picco also did not offer any numbers on how many of those 300 post-secondary students are passing their curriculums. We side with Tootoo that Nunavummiut are growing weary of the GN discrediting these reports rather than addressing our shortcomings. Even the Standing Committee on Education listed unacceptably low literacy rates as one of the biggest problems observed while conducting its community consultations. Picco can point to all the flaws in Statistics Canada's methods he wants, but that doesn't change the fact we need more comprehensive literacy programs in our education system. Nine out of 10 Inuit having a literacy rate lower than what they need to function in society is unacceptable - in any language!
Christmas campaign
Editorial Comment So we get to vote for a new government on Jan. 23 next year. Driving home the news was Jack Layton, leader of the NDP, the talking head on my boob tube who greeted me Tuesday morning to go on and on about how in spite of the parliamentary bickering during question period, his party made government work. (Ever noticed he kind of looks like that guy who gives away free computer tutorial CD-ROMs on television?) Anyway, Layton would like to have all Canadians believe that if they voted for his party, our wildest dreams would come true. Well, maybe not quite that far. Conservative blue if you want to endure "gay marriage debate, volume two." Like the movie Sister Act starring Whoopi Goldberg - the one about the street savvy police witness (Goldberg) who hides out with a bunch of nuns - I was pretty much satisfied there without having to endure Sister Act 2. Conservative leader Steven Harper has already blasted out of the campaign gates promising to give us volume two if he wins. And after he bans gay marriage, forms a holy alliance with George W., our troops can go help the U.S. lose the war in Iraq. Remember how disappointed Harper was when Canada decided to sit this one out? Which leaves us with Paul Martin and the Liberals. At least with them, you know what you're getting. Mystery slush funds and patronage appointments to people who head up Crown Corporations, and loot the public purse in the name of expense accounts. A Martin government will also guarantee that U2 lead singer Bono will drop by to make us all feel guilty for not giving more of our money away to Africa. For the Northwest Territories, there's a convincing argument to be made that it would be best to have the Liberals back in power, if for no other reason than the fact that the federal government's pledge of $500 million in socio-economic pipeline impact cash for the NWT is not a done deal and is dependent on federal legislation. Having the Liberals back in power would also ensure that ongoing devolution and resource revenue sharing negotiations - crucial to the Territories' future - could pretty much pick up where they left off. "Hopefully we see the same government back in business so there won't be too much of a delay," Premier Joe Handley said to the Beaufort Delta Regional Council meeting in Inuvik Tuesday afternoon. So it's a pretty safe to bet who Handley's voting for Jan. 23.
New blood
Editorial Comment It was the American folk-rock band The Byrds who sang, "To everything there is a season, turn, turn, turn." It's a song about the natural progression of life: there comes a time for change. That is what is happening at the elders' table in the Deh Cho. Whether that's good or bad depends on how you look at it, but the transition is necessary. The senior elders won't be around forever, that's a fact. Some are battling health problems, making it difficult to travel to meetings and concentrate all morning and afternoon for days on end. That makes it imperative to groom a new generation of elders, junior elders, so to speak. None of the senior elders should be cast aside if they still want to participate, if they still desire to share their knowledge. They are, after all, the strongest connection to a past way of life that grows more distant every day. They have carried forth the Dene values and principles that have stood strong for centuries. They also have an undeniable appreciation of the land. Yet the new crop of elders brings something else to the table. They are more familiar with "both worlds:" the traditional Dene ways and modern technology. As well, the up-and-coming elders are usually more direct in their approach. If they have a point to make, they make it. The senior elders often convey a message through long, meandering stories of their past. While these narratives can be fascinating, they seem to be open to interpretation at the political table. It's not unusual to have two people come to two different conclusions about what an elder just said. Is that because the elder wasn't clear? Or is it because some individuals distort the elders' words to suit their own ambitions? Let's be frank, there has always been plenty of behind-the-scenes talk about how some of the well-intentioned elders are vulnerable to political manipulation. That's sad. There are also occasional accusations that some elders show up for meetings to get honoraria cheques but they have no input. Also sad. It doesn't mean Dene politics is rife with corruption and self-interest, but it would be naive to suggest that those things don't exist. These are sensitive issues, but they are definitely out there. The new breed of elders is more savvy about today's political tactics. They will take their seats with their eyes wide open to being used for political gain. That said, the junior elders may come to the table with their own agendas. Some may argue that's no improvement. Of course not all elders are involved in the political process. Some remain quietly at home, on the land or at a long-term care facility. Visiting them over a cup of tea can be richly rewarding and often makes politics seem like a silly preoccupation.
Correction The Acho Dene Koe Corporate Group received $10,000 from Deh Cho royalties funding but had applied for $30,000, not just $10,000 as stated last week. Incorrect information was provided to the Drum.