Andrew Raven
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Dec 23/05) - The Green Party candidate in the Western Arctic opened his campaign with an assault on the proposed Mackenzie Valley pipeline.

Alexandre Beaudin - Andrew Raven/NNSL photo
Alexandre Beaudin, 25, a photographer and glass worker, wants to see alternatives to the $7 billion pipeline, which begins regulatory reviews just days before voters go to the polls January 23.
"(The Greens) don't see this as a durable development or an ecological way of exploiting resources," said Beaudin. "(We) would more in favour of searching for more sustainable energy for communities in the North."
Beaudin was un-opposed for the nomination at a meeting last weekend which saw three Green Party members attend.
The Green Party got 583 votes in June 2004 and was cast in the role of spoiler for the NDP's Dennis Bevington who lost to incumbent Liberal Ethel Blondin-Andrew by 53 votes.
Beaudin said he does not have the budget to take his campaign beyond Yellowknife where he has lived for the last three years.
A former resident of Montreal where he was a film student, the first-time candidate served on a national Francophone youth committee, but was not affiliated with a political party.