Darrell Greer
Northern News Services
Rankin Inlet (Nov 21/05) - The municipality of Rankin Inlet has taken over the finances and bingo operations of the local search-and-rescue (SAR) committee.

Coun. Robert Janes said the hamlet decided to take over the financial operations of the local search-and-rescue committee when irregularities showed up in an audit of its finances.
The resolution to take over the group's financial dealings was made following an in-camera session of a regular council meeting earlier this month.
Coun. Robert Janes said the decision came about after irregularities were noted during a recent audit of the committee.
The audit was performed by recreation co-ordinator Jackson Lindell from receipts available to him.
Janes said the audit is standard procedure.
He said a number of organizations that are granted lottery licenses are selected at random every year to be audited.
"We decided to take over the finances after the audit showed some irregularities," said Janes.
"There were a couple of cases where committee members were paid honorariums which, technically, is against lottery regulations.
"This is public money that's meant for searches and equipment.
"I do, however, want to point out when David (Coun. David Ningeongan) met with the SAR committee, its members agreed with the hamlet taking over the finances for them."
Coun. David Ningeongan did not return numerous calls from Kivalliq News regarding the SAR issue.
Hamlet senior administrative officer John Hodgson couldn't speak to any of the issues regarding audit irregularities because the matter was dealt with in camera.
He said the resolution passed by council means the municipality will now look after all financial matters regarding the SAR and run its bingo fundraisers.
"Council felt, as it did with the fishing derby committee this past year, there had to be more structure and control with SAR finances and that's why the resolution was passed," said Hodgson.
"The move is part of the hamlet's ongoing efforts to monitor organizations granted bingo slots to ensure the money goes where it's intended."