Jennifer Geens
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Nov 23/05) - Drivers on the Ingraham Trail can expect delays to continue for the next month or so.
Reconstruction of a four kilometre swath of Highway 4 near Prelude Lake began in September and is expected to finish by mid-December, according to Bob Kelly, manager of public affairs and communications for the department of Transportation.
The project began late in the season because no paving is involved. Chip sealing requires warmer temperatures.
Kelly said the multi-year reconstruction project will make the trail safer to drive.
"That road is very narrow and winding and the sightlines are poor," said Kelly. "The blasting and straightening and widening will make the road safer for all users."
Increasing truck traffic from the mines was one of the reasons for the widening project, said Kelly. Some of the narrow curves were hazardous for large trucks if two met coming from opposite directions.
The work should be completed before the winter roads to the mines open in the New Year.
During the reconstruction, Kelly asks drivers to respect the posted 30km/h speed limit. Faster speeds could damage your vehicle or cause an accident.