Roxanna Thompson
Northern News Services
Hay River/Fort Smith (Nov 21/05) - The prospect of a winter federal election is not popular residents of Hay River and Fort Smith. Almost every resident asked said that the Christmas and New Year's season is a bad time for an election.

Jessie Hval: "I think it's probably a waste of money and time."
"I don't think it's politically correct because people are in the Christmas spirit and they aren't thinking properly," said Kim Crook in Hay River.
The Christmas season seems to be a time that most people consider off limits for elections both because it's a holiday and because people will be too busy to go to the polls.
"Not enough people are going to go out to vote so it won't make much of a change," said Harold Browning in Fort Smith, "They should wait until after Christmas or New Year's."
Some residents feel more strongly.
"I think it will probably be a waste of money and time," said Jessie Hval in Fort Smith.
Tom Lakusta of Hay River holds the minority view that an election is needed.
"I think we need to have an election and January would be a good time," said Lakusta.
If an election is called, voters are divided on which issues need to be addressed.
"The issue is with the government and whether they've breached the confidence of the people with the sponsorship scandal and how they've handled it," Lakusta said.
A number of people said Northern issues and education should be dealt with.
"They should look at making the NWT a province so it can represent itself better," said Hval.
"Education is definitely the issue," said Lisa Maurice of Hay River.