Jason Unrau
Northern News Services
Inuvik (Nov 18/05) - Does your dog walk you instead of the other way around? Then perhaps it's time for some canine obedience classes at the Aurora College gym where for the past two seasons instructor Les Kutney has, in his words, "trained owners to train their dogs."
And while Kutney won't promise perfect pooch behaviour in the 10 classes, he does guarantee owners will come away with the knowledge to assist them and their dogs in reaching that point.
"Basically it's a beginners class to help people be in charge of their dog," he explained. "And there's a few who went through last year who've returned to improve."
At a typical class, participants and their dogs are put through a series of exercises that will teach heel and sitting, down at heel, sit from down, and come when called.
According to Kutney, an accredited master trainer, it's never too late to start your dog on the path of being an obedient pet.
"Of course, younger dogs don't have as many habits to change," he added.
"In eight to 10 weeks we can get through the basics and help students make their dogs a manageable part of the family."
As well, Kutney provides training techniques geared towards each dog's personality. The six primary pooch personas are happy-go-lucky, hyperactive, shy and undersocialized, fear biter, aggressive and a combination of the above.
For student Angela Beaulieu and her five-month-old pup Sweetie of the happy-go-lucky personality-type, the classes have been worthwhile.
"It's coming along," said Beaulieu of Sweetie's progress. "She's young but just starting to follow commands."
With this recent round of Sunday afternoon classes wrapping up at the beginning of December, Kutney hopes to run another beginners session early next year.