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RCMP Const. Colleen Werrell with some of the 52 bikes that weren't claimed. - Roxanna Thompson/NNSL photo


Roxanna Thompson
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Oct 05/05) - Only three bikes were claimed at the RCMP bike viewing on Saturday leaving 52 without owners.

The bikes on display were ones found since May around town and turned into the RCMP.

"Bike theft is a big problem, but a lot of it comes down to were they were locked up and where were they kept," said Const. Colleen Werrell.

Werrell suggests all bike owners buy a good bike lock that can't be cut. Bikes should also be kept in a safe place.

She notes that these are only preventative measures and won't stop every theft.

The remaining bikes will be donated to the Rotary Club.