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Musical mentor dies

Jason Unrau
Northern News Services

Inuvik (Oct 28/05) - The Delta lost a musical friend and mentor, Thanksgiving weekend, with the passing of Frank Cockney. He was 83 years old.

NNSL Photo/graphic
Frank Cockney

"Well, I learned a lot from him," said James Rogers, fiddle player for the Delta Good Time Band. "And he always encouraged me, too."

Rogers spoke fondly of the times when he played guitar for Cockney at old-time dances in the past.

"I remember I didn't like playing fiddle in public and Frank helped me get over that fear," Rogers said, noting that he eventually gained enough confidence to take turns playing fiddle with Cockney at those dances.

Niece Renie Arey said her uncle's music entertained a lot of people in the Delta.

"He played a lot of fiddle in different places," she said. "People always had a good time dancing and enjoying themselves."

Born in 1922, Cockney started playing the fiddle when he was about "14 or 15," according to his younger sister Lucy Inglangasuk.

"I used to get tired of all his squeaking," she said, recalling Frank's early years as a budding musician. "But he got better and was like a leader with the fiddle and his music."

And what was her favourite song?

"I liked them all, whenever he played."