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Fire at Inuvik school

Northern News Services

Inuvik (Oct 24/05) - A small fire broke out in Samuel Hearne secondary school, Thursday night.

The fire was extinguished by the built-in sprinkler system, and the fire department arrived shortly after.

The cause of the fire is still being investigated by the regional Fire Marshall.

This fire only adds to a list of troubles the school has faced within the last few years.

In 2004 a section of the foyer roof collapsed, followed by an arson attempt which took half of the gymnasium.

Earlier this fall, the NWT fire marshall closed the doors of the school because many of the pilings underneath it had rotted it out.

Public works Minister Floyd Roland said the fire will not hinder the re-opening date set for January.

"This was a small fire, in no way will it impact the repairs already going on in the building," said Roland.