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Kugaaruk post office remains open

Kent Driscoll
Northern News Services

Pelly Bay (Oct 10/05) - Kugaaruk council has given Canada Post one more month to find a new home.

Council has been trying to get the postal operation out of the hamlet office since Oct. 2004, and after several extensions gave the Crown corporation until Sept. 30 to find a new home.

Canada Post didn't find a new location and planned to fly mail in to the hamlet once a week and require residents to come to the airport to pick up their mail.

That plan was a non-starter, according to Kugaaruk SAO Elwood Johnston.

"They didn't even have permission to use the airport, you need permission from someone to use the airport, you can't just set up there," said Johnston.

It was a clear choice for the council, let Canada Post overstay their welcome for one more month, or have no mail service.

"They (council) hammered out a bit of a deal to get them to the end of the month," said Johnston. The overcrowding of the hamlet office is continuing, with some employees working in hallways.

The council is ready to put up with one more month of it, but their patience is thinning.

"They have to do something, or they will have a real battle. We need the space. They know our situation now, they have sent someone to see it," said Johnston.