Roxanna Thompson
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Sep 07/05) - As armadas go it was tiny, but what the participants in the 12th annual wooden freighter barbecue lacked in numbers they made up in good spirits.

Cameron, front left, Emma and Laura Seddon with Ray Bethke were all smiles before setting off in their 18 foot freighter canoe. - Roxanna Thompson/NNSL photo
Despite cloudy skies and threatening rain, groups in six freighter canoes headed off from the Ward Air float base for supper on Pillow Island on Saturday.
The reason for braving the weather was the unique canoes. To picture a freighter canoe, imagine taking a normal canoe, putting it on steroids and placing a motor on the stern.
One of the larger canoes out for the event was 22 feet long and could carry a load of 4,500 pounds.
As their name suggests, these canoes were developed for hauling freight. They are still used today in the Arctic coast and Hudson Bay.
If you ask freighter owners what the appeal is you will hear similar answers.
"You can get out anywhere," said Ray Bethke.
Shallow drafts
With shallow drafts, the canoes can travel where other boats can't and can be hauled up on beaches. This is great if you have to make some quick repairs.
"I think it is also the historical value," Laura Seddon said.
Made of wood, the canoes have a traditional feel. They are warm to the touch, even in cold water, making it nicer than aluminum, she said.
Crawling under the cover at the front of the canoe, called a bimini, Seddon's two children often fall asleep to the motion of the waves.
The idea for the annual barbecue came 13 years ago at a breakfast in the Wildcat Cafe, said Bethke. The event was developed as a way for freighter owners to get together and "swap tales and parts," he said.
In good weather up to 12 canoes head out to Horseshoe Island.
With this year's weather they just chose a closer island and set off in a line with smiles and waves.