Steve Smith is one of the musicians who will perform on Labour Day. He said he's getting involved because a union helped him out a few years ago. - NNSL file photo
Daron Letts
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Sep 02/05) - Musicians and workers will unite on Monday for the ninth annual Labour Day barbecue at the Elk's Club. From noon until 1 p.m. bands and soloists will present songs with a labour theme for the first annual labour music contest.
"Over the years, music has put people together," said Steve Petersen, event organizer and vice-president of Northern Territories Federation of Labour. "When you're facing oppression or on the picket line, music can unite people."
Multicultural themes, progressive issues and marginalized voices often find expression in labour music, he said.
Performers can still sign up for the competition through the Union of Northern Workers today - or just show up with some instruments.
A prize of $500 (equal to more than 60 hours of work at minimum wage) will be awarded to the winning performer.
Free burgers, hot dogs and veggie options will be served.