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Time of change at school

Paul Bickford
Northern News Services

Hay River Reserve (Sep 12/05) - It's a time of change at Chief Sunrise Education Centre on the Hay River Reserve.

The school will introduce a new bush school in October, and is expanding under new leadership.

New principal Brian Johnson says he is looking forward to the bush school, which will be known as the K'atlodeeche Traditional School of Knowledge. "It's the first time we're involved in setting up a permanent camp," he said.

It will begin in October with a core group of six to eight students, both male and female.

Johnson says the students will live on the land for two months in the spring and two months in the winter. They will be accompanied by a teacher and traditional knowledge specialists from the community.

The bush school, which will consist of tents until cabins are built, will be located at the mouth of the Buffalo River.

Along with regular studies, the 14- to 18-year-olds will learn traditional knowledge and leadership skills.

Other students from Chief Sunrise will go to the bush school for a week at a time.

The bush school project will begin with a fish fry and fishing derby for the whole community on Sept. 9 at the reserve's Old Village.

The expansion at Chief Sunrise involves an addition at the front of the building.

It will contain a new computer lab, an open instruction space, an elders' room and a new library with easier access for the community.

The project is underway and is expected to be completed in the new year.