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Samuel Rulland, a member of Nunamiut, Anaktuvuk Pass, Alaska's drumming and dancing ensemble, performs while group members Billy Tagarook, Noah Ahgook, Justice Mekiana and Raymond Paneak beat on their drums.

To the beat of the drum

Jason Unrau
Northern News Services

Inuvik (Aug 05/05) - Pulsating drum beats emanated from Sir Alexander Mackenzie school Friday, as more than 100 drummers and dancers from around the North converged for a two-day circumpolar drumdance workshop.

Organized to coincide with the Circumpolar Games, the workshop provided participants with an opportunity to hear and participate in collaborative performances, many for the first time.

"We're learning some new songs and sharing some of ours so it's been a nice exchange," said Raymond Paneak, president of the Nunamiut Dancers from Anaktuvuk Pass, Alaska, after the group spent Thursday afternoon playing with the Inuvik Drummers and Dancers.

"And we're getting to know some of our relatives and meeting some cousins (from around the Delta)."

According to Brian Rogers of the Inuvik Drummers and Dancers, it's been 10 years since such a gathering took place in Inuvik.

"It's a good feeling to be part of this," he said. "It lifts you up to learn each other's songs."

Debbie Gordon Ruben, who organized the event and is a member of the Paulatuk Moonlight Drummers and Dancers, said there are many landmarks for the gathering.

"It's the first time Alaskan groups have joined us and the fact this coincides with the Northern Games... I think it goes really well together," said Gordon Ruben, a former member of the Inuvik Drummers and Dancers. "It's a major part of our tradition, depicting the land and animals and the lives we live."

"We connect (with one another) through dance and song and the athletes connect by competing."

As well, many of the drummers and dancers were also competing in the Circumpolar Games, including Alex Kaleak of the Nuvukmiut Drummers and Dancers from Barrow, Alaska.

"It's a great way to get into the spirit of the Games," he said of participating in the workshop.

"This is my first time to Inuvik and I'm really enjoying myself."