Andrea Markey
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Aug 03/05) - By early fall, people will begin to see a connection between a number of buildings in town.
The YK Centre, Panda Malls I and II, TD Bank Building and the Cunningham Building are all getting face-lifts, inside and out. Some of them will also get a name change, although that hasn't been decided yet.

The well-known YK Centre thermometer is getting a face-lift, along with the building itself. Kelly Hayden, vice-president of Northern operations for WAM Development Group, is overseeing a $4 million renovation project of the YK Centre, Panda Malls I and II, TD Bank building and the Cunningham building.
"All the buildings are between 20-30 years old and are in need of a new look," said Kelly Hayden, vice-president of Northern operations for Edmonton-based WAM Development Group.
The firm purchased the buildings, along with the NWT Territorial Court House, last July.
The first nine months of ownership were spent assessing what to do, he said.
A $4 million construction project to upgrade the buildings and pull the look of the structures together was the decision. Clark Builders is doing all the renovations on the buildings, including a new sprinkler system in the YK Centre.
The interior and exterior changes are expected to be completed by the end of September, and the sprinkler system will be installed by December.
The outside of Panda I Mall will resemble Panda II with its grey siding. Slate tile will be added to the entrances of all five buildings.
"We are lucky to have the walkway and connections between the buildings that we do," he said. "When we are done, the look of the buildings will follow through as people walk."
The well-known thermometer outside the YK Centre will still be there, only in a different form.
"We know people love taking their jackets off and getting a photo taken in -40C weather," he said. "The sign will be updated, but the function will remain."
The interior of the YK Centre will also be brighter after new lighting and tiles are installed, he said. New tenant signs will be updated and made more uniform.
Two stores are taking the opportunity to relocate and expand during construction.
Larger retail space
Roy Williams moved his RadioShack dealership across the hall, and added a new line of high-end electronics. He is now called Roy's Audiotronic.
Arctic Data Systems is also moving across the hall to a larger retail area.
"We will have a fresh new look," said Cherryl Van Dyke, store manager. "The changes to our store and the mall will make a nicer atmosphere for the employees and customers."
The shifting of the two stores leaves five bays empty on the bottom floor, as RadioShack occupied three bays, and Arctic Data two.
Leasing options for the spaces came out this week.
"We have wonderful unique independent retailers here now," Hayden said. "We are looking to build off them."