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A second floor apartment fire at Ciara Manor, Monday afternoon, caused an estimated $30,000 in damages.

Ciara Manor fire forces 30 to flee

Dorothy Westerman
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Aug 31/05) - Damage is estimated to be at least $30,000 after an apartment fire in Ciara Manor Monday afternoon.

The Yellowknife fire department was called to the scene at 3:25 p.m. after a report of smoke.

Deputy fire chief Chucker Dewar said when firefighters arrived, the fire alarm system was operating and occupants were evacuating the building.

"There were approximately 30 people who evacuated," Dewar said.

"There was smoke showing out of a window on the second floor," he said.

The second floor was filled with heavy, dark smoke coming from unit 210 when firefighters arrived, he said.

Using a cross-ventilation technique, Dewar said a fresh air supply dissipated the heavy smoke.

Seven firefighters were on the scene for about two hours, Dewar said, using a pumper/aerial, one medic and two command vehicles.

An investigation is underway by both the Yellowknife Fire Division and the Fire Marshal. The fire has been classified as accidental, but a cause has not yet been determined.