Darrell Greer
Northern News Services
Baker Lake (Aug 24/05) - Terry Nukik of Baker Lake sobbed with tears of joy when he found out he had won a new Honda ATV in the Fly, Read and Win contest sponsored by Kivalliq News and Kivalliq (Keewatin) Air.

yra Partridge, 2, trys to help her dad, Terry Nukik, give the thumbs up over winning a new ATV courtesy of Kivalliq (Keewatin) Air as mom, Suzanne Partridge, and baby brother, Joseph, look on. Terry won the machine by entering a featured contest in Kivalliq
The 33-year-old said he knew the draw was being held on Aug. 2, but the newspaper still hadn't arrived in Baker when he got the good news from a family member.
"I didn't think I had any chance of winning when I entered the contest, but I kept praying and praying that I'd win that machine," said Nukik.
"I was even praying to win with my little daughter because we needed that machine so bad."
Nukik said he's always working on his dad's ATV, but, no matter how much time he puts into it, the machine keeps breaking down.
He said winning an ATV his family so badly needs proves God does answer prayers.
"Winning this machine is also pretty neat because I'm a regular reader of Kivalliq News.
"I look forward to seeing it every week because I like to know what's going on in the Kivalliq.
"Sometimes I buy it myself and sometimes I go to my parents' house to read it, but I hardly ever miss it.
"I've entered just about every contest the newspaper ran in previous years and never won anything, but this time I won through prayer."
Nukik said there's also a touch of irony in his contest win.
The newest member of his family was featured in Kivalliq News this past month when his girlfriend, Suzanne Partridge, gave birth to their second child in the washroom at the Inuit Centre in Winnipeg (Special, surprise delivery, July 13).
"We'll be running lots of errands with two kids now, so we'll put the ATV to good use.
"I also like to hunt with my dad and, from now until the snow falls, there will be lots of caribou around Baker Lake.
Learn new skills
"I'm really looking forward to using our new machine to go out hunting with my dad and learn lots of new skills from him."