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Trail plan questioned

Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Aug 24/05) - A group of city councillors wants to nix plans for walking trails on Twin Pine Hill, says Coun. Kevin O'Reilly.

The city is setting aside $250,000 for trails on the hill, which are to be built jointly with Yellowknife River Resorts.

O'Reilly said the city should be planning the trails before construction starts on the Twin Pine Hill resort.

"The land transfer agreement says we're committed to do it," said O'Reilly.

"I just think that (councillors) don't want trails up there, they don't want to spend any money on it." O'Reilly pointed to Couns. Alan Woytuik and Doug Witty.

Woytuik said there is no point planning trails without involvement from the developer. "It's not just a question of when we want them built, it's a question of when the developer wants them built as well."

Trails appeared to have "leap-frogged," Woytuik said, over priorities like waterfront parks and sports facilities. He wants to ensure the city doesn't lose focus on them.