Jason Unrau
Northern News Services
Inuvik (Aug 19/05) - From jigging and talent contests to canoe races, Nihtat Gwich'in Council recreation co-ordinator Gretta Sittichinli has had a lot of things to organize over the past few months.
There will be plenty of dancing opportunities during the gathering. Here, Cheryl Greenland and Morris Cardinal cut a rug at Jim Koe Park.
"Every day of the week (for the Gwich'in Tribal Council's annual general assembly) is going to be busy, with lots of things to do," she promised.
"Usually the assembly just holds dances but this year we've tried to organize more activities."
Prior to the actual meetings, which get underway Aug. 22, the Aklavik Singalong Group will host a sing-a-long at the Midnight Sun Recreation Hall, beginning at 7 p.m.
At the hall Monday, starting at 9 p.m., Whitehorse fiddler and CHON-FM radio personality Ben Charlie will have toes 'a tappin' at the old time dance.
Prior to that, a community cookout will take place at 5:30 p.m. at the park opposite the Inuvik Boat Launch.
Paddlers - and aspiring paddlers - might be interested in taking part in the canoe race, also to be held at the boat launch, beginning at 6 p.m.
The entry fee is $10 per person, with prizes to be awarded in four categories: men, women, adult-mixed and adult-beginners.
Wednesday evening at the recreation hall there will be an adult talent show, followed by another old time dance. Admission is five bucks at the door.
For those interested in showing their singing and/or playing talent, the cost of participating is $20 per song and $10 for each additional song one plans to perform (just in case you needed to convince the judges a little bit more).
Jigging contest
Wrapping up the recreational events for the GTC's annual assembly is the much-anticipated jigging contest. Entry is free in this contest and categories are adult (16-49 yrs) and elder (49-plus).
"All events are open to everybody, you don't have to be Gwich'in to take part," said Sittichinli. "So I hope a lot of people will come out and enjoy."