Jason Unrau
Northern News Services
Inuvik (July 08/05) - A bountiful rhubarb plant growing at the community greenhouse has garnered a lot of attention since a sign reading, 'Please do not pick, I'm going to be in the fashion show in July' was taped to its leaves.
"I was wondering what exactly it was going to do in the show," said greenhouse co-ordinator Kristen Wenghofer, who seemed slightly bemused at the sign.
When asked if there were any other plants from the greenhouse planning to appear in the Great Northern Arts Festival fashion show, Wenghofer replied, "Not that I know of."
The Drum eventually caught up with the plant's tender, Ruth Wright, busy watering her garden plots and admiring the soon-to-be 'model' rhubarb growing in her Uncle Winston Moses' plot.
Wright explained that in last year's fashion show, there was a garden goddess who carried a couple of rhubarb leaves on the catwalk.
"If we get enough time, we'll make a dress or halter top out of it," added the co-ordinator of the Sir Alexander Mackenzie school Sewing Club, some of whom plan to use the rhubarb leaves for this year's show.
"It's the second year we've tried it and the second year the sewing club's been involved."
The Drum then asked if she's had any comments or questions about the rhubarb since posting the sign.
"'The rhubarb is going to be in the fashion show? What's the rhubarb going to be doing in the fashion show?' are the usual ones," Wright said, with some sarcasm.
As for the sign, Wright says the huge plants seem to attract a lot of attention and that "here and there you get some people who take one (leaf) and want to try it."
Traditionally a favourite for making pies and jams, Wright's Inuvik rhubarb is doing well and, one imagines, preparing itself for the bright lights and flashbulbs of the catwalk.
"But it makes a great dessert, too," she added. "Just boil it with some strawberries, mix in some Dream Whip and a little yogurt, then it's scrumptious."