Derek Neary
Northern News Services
Fort Simpson (July 01/05) - Marlena Tsetso didn't miss a day of school this year.
Actually, the 12-year-old Bompas elementary student hasn't been absent for three straight years.

Ben Vandell, left, and Tim Gargan-Lacasse took home the citizenship awards from Bompas elementary school this year. Their exemplary conduct in school and around the community earned them the distinction.
What makes her so committed? "My auntie forced me to go to school everyday," Tsetso said with a smile.
But her teacher, Greg Nolan, gave her a book award for working on her assignments to the best of her ability, so she does more than just show up for class. Tsetso said that she really enjoys school, especially spelling and gym.
The other Bompas award winners, recognized at a ceremony on June 24, were as follows:
Most improved student
Classes 1-3 - Kevin Anavilok
Classes 4-7 - Crystal Rowe
Classes 1-3 - Tim Gargan-Lacasse
Classes 4-6 - Ben Vandell
Athlete of the year
Male - Dakota Burrill
Female - Elissa Hazenberg
Most dedicated athlete
Male - Alex Roche
Female - Madison Pilling
Most sportsmanlike
Female - Karmina Cordero
Male - Tyler Pilling
Class 7
Academic excellence - Amber Allen, Carlena Tsetso, Charles Gargan, Grace Ann Nowdlak, Natalie Villeneuve
Slavey proficiency - Charles Gargan
French proficiency - Marlena Tsetso
Class 6
Academic excellence -Karmina Cordero, Tyler Pilling
Excellent attendance - Tyler Pilling
Slavey proficiency - Wesley Hardisty
French proficiency - Tyler Pilling
Teacher's book award - Karmina Cordero
Class 5
Excellent attendance - Aaron Grossetete, Hillary Deneyoua
French proficiency - Hillary Deneyoua
Slavey proficiency - Brenton Levadnuk
Teacher's book award - Dwight Hardisty
Class 4
Academic excellence - Nikita Larter, Lonnie Wright
Slavey proficiency - Jennifer Gast
French proficiency - Alex Roche
Teacher's book award - Rodney Leader
Class 3
Academic excellence - Leanne Ocko, Morgan Lirette, Madison Pilling
Excellent attendance - Madison Pilling
Slavey proficiency - Rosalie Corneille-Norwegian
French proficiency - Madison Pilling
Teacher's book award - Sharissa Grossetete
Class 2
Academic excellence - Tiffany Larter, Robyn Janke, Robert Harold, Juliane Isiah-Tanche, Golia Cazon, Michael Gast
Slavey proficiency - Lauren Corneille-Lafferty
French proficiency - Andrew Singh
Teacher's book award - Logan Wright
Class 1
Academic excellence - Devon Troke, Bailey Muir-Cressman, Nicolas Lirette, Ben McClelland
All-around student - Daniel Gargan-Lacasse
Slavey proficiency - Rochelle Yendo
French proficiency - Devon Troke
All-around student (Kyle Brown Memorial Award) - Ryan Troke
Teacher's book award - Hanna Isaiah