Mike W. Bryant
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (June 24/05) - A four-block stretch of road between Canadian Forces northern headquarters and City Hall may get a new name honouring NWT military veterans before next week is through.

Canadian Forces veteran Tom Eagle told a city council committee meeting Monday, that they ought to rename Old Airport Road to honour veterans and not just four blocks of 49th Avenue.
Yellowknife Royal Canadian Legion president Lloyd Lush put in a request to the mayor's office May 27, asking to rename a portion of 49th Avenue as Veterans Memorial Drive.
The Legion hopes to have the road renamed in time for celebrations in the city planned for July 2, when the Legion is hosting a parade and special banquet for veterans from across the NWT.
His request has so far generated favourable responses from Canadian Forces and the RCMP, which have offices along the route.
The mood among city councillors at a Monday committee meeting was no different. Some even suggested the entire length of 49th Ave. be renamed.
"I think it has the potential to create some confusion," said Coun. Kevin O'Reilly, to which Coun. Dave McCann agreed.
"If we're going to rename it, the whole thing should be renamed."
More public consultation
Coun. Wendy Bisaro and other councillors said, however, that renaming the whole street would require a great deal more public consultation, particularly past 48th St. where addresses are primarily residential.
Most of the occupants along the four-block stretch suggested by the Legion are government institutions.
Retired Canadian Forces veteran Tom Eagle wanted to take the Legion plan one step further. He suggested all of Old Airport Road be renamed for veterans.
"Naming a back street and a couple blocks, I think we can do better than that," he told council.
"By the time we see the sign, you're already past (the road)."
Council opted for the Legion's suggestion, but if a bylaw to rename the street for July 2 celebrations is approved, it will have to happen quickly.
There is only one regular council meeting left before that date.
Mayor Gord Van Tighem said if all eight councillors are present next Monday, they can do all three readings that night and pass it into law. Otherwise, a special council meeting will have to be held later that week.
For his part, Lush said he is just pleased the city is willing to move on his club's request.
"It's a wonderful street to name Veterans Memorial Drive," said Lush.
"Everybody is there."