Derek Neary
Northern News Services
Fort Liard (June 24/05) - Some wavered, but they all stuck with their studies. Their efforts were rewarded on June 16.

Members of Echo Dene school's class of 2005 cut their graduation cake at a grad ceremony held in Fort Liard on June 16.
Six graduates from Echo Dene school were honoured at the Fort Liard community hall on that evening. Amidst the blue and white decorations, teacher Ken Nowoselski said some of the grads had contemplated dropping out, but they persevered.
"We're really proud of all of them," he said.
The grad class "is a really good sign for our people," said Floyd Bertrand, chief of the Acho Dene Koe First Nation. Graduating is the number one factor in attaining a good job, he said.
'Wonderful to see'
Nahendeh MLA Kevin Menicoche told the grads, their guests and the school staff, "It is wonderful to see how this community is progressing educationally and to be part of it.
"You are the future we have been waiting for," Menicoche said. In their biographies, the grads related the following messages:
Arthur Loe
Memorable occasions during my school life were all the chances I had to go on field trips. I was lucky to be able to travel around the territories on occasions like track and field in Hay River, Super Soccer held in Yellowknife and the recent Grade 12 orientation trip to Edmonton this year. They were chances for me to visit larger centres, where I could see how other people in Canada lived... I enjoy working with computers and hope to find employment in this area. I am currently a volunteer firefighter in Fort Liard. I really enjoy this work and would like to pursue a career in this area.
Travis Bertrand
What I see in my future is creating my own business. I would like to operate a shop selling and repairing BMX bikes and small engines... The most important people in my life are my parents. Without them, I would be nowhere right now. They raised me with strong morals. They made me feel that I was important in their lives and that I still am!
Shayla McLeod
The most important person in my life who helped me reach my goal of graduating this year is my mom. Whenever I needed someone to talk to, she was always there. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be here today! I hope to be a computer technician in the future or find employment in the field of computers.
Chris Klondike
My mom continued to support me, always telling me that I'll be the first Klondike to graduate from high school. Elders in the community were supportive in their chats. They would tell me that we young people need to adapt to the changes that are occurring in Fort Liard. If I wanted to become successful and enter the workforce, they understood that education was the way that I could achieve this. My teachers were always supportive, encouraging me and never gave up.
Jody Fantasque
If it wasn't for my mom getting me up every morning for school, I don't think I would be here today. My dad encouraged me from an early age to never give up... I want to give special thanks to Auntie Noreen. She made our Dene culture come alive for me. She taught me how to speak Slavey, become a woman and to understand the responsibilities that adults must accept. I am proud to be Dene, sharing our traditions with our own people and visitors who are willing to learn about our culture.
Joey Fantasque
I plan to enter the workforce when I graduate, to save some money so I can apply to college to explore the areas of science... The most important people in my life who helped me reach graduation are my parents and family who raised me. Their patience, love and dedication helped me to complete Grade 12. Auntie Bernice and uncle Richard are like my second set of strict parents who taught me generosity. My auntie Jane taught me about honesty, integrity and that answers to personal problems cannot be found in the bottom of a bottle.