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Powers elected mayor in Kugluktuk

Kathleen Lippa
Northern News Services

Coppermine (May 09/05) - Derrick Powers is Kugluktuk's new mayor-elect.

Powers, the Northern Store manager, beat out Peter Taptuna and Stanley Anablak in the race for the mayor's seat on May 3.

He replaces Ernie Bernhardt, who decided to step down for personal reasons.

Powers received 91 votes, 12 more than Taptuna, who had 79. Anablak received 49 votes.

There were a total of 221 ballots cast out of 750 registered voters - a 30 per cent voter turn out. There were 188 ballots cast in the last election.

Powers was out on holiday at his cabin in the area and was unavailable for comment. No one at the hamlet office or the Northern Store would comment on the outcome of the election.