Mike W. Bryant
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (May 27/05) - June 9 will be Heterosexual Pride Day in the City of Yellowknife, so proclaimed Mayor Gord Van Tighem at Tuesday night's regular council meeting.
The mayor's announcement came moments after granting a request by NWT gay rights group OutNorth to pronounce June 10 as Gay Pride Day.

Gord Van Tighem
The latter proclamation drew an immediate reaction from city councillor Kevin O'Reilly, who accused a fellow councillor of trying "to poke fun" at Yellowknife's gay community.
Coun. Alan Woytuik put in a request for a Heterosexual Pride Day two weeks ago after getting wind of OutNorth's desire to proclaim a Gay Pride Day, which has occurred every year now since 1998.
"I figure if we're going to connect contributions to the community by sexuality, we should recognize the contributions made by the heterosexual community," said Woytuik, noting, however, that the day will be recognized in name only.
"I'm not having a parade or anything. I just want to raise awareness."
O'Reilly, along with Couns. Wendy Bisaro and Mark Heyck, tried to put forward a motion to re-examine the way proclamations are made but were defeated 4-3.
Proclamations were once decided by a council vote but it was decided the process was too onerous three years ago. All proclamation requests now go through the mayor.
O'Reilly said the latest pronouncement is an embarrassment to the city.
"It certainly doesn't help build any confidence or respect for what takes place at City Hall," said O'Reilly.
He said he was only made aware of Woytuik's request at a council committee meeting earlier in the day, and didn't realize it was slated for the agenda later that night.
Van Tighem said all proclamation requests are approved unless a majority of councillors protest during committee briefing sessions.
"Everything has worked tickety-boo," said Van Tighem.
"I guess I didn't mention it with enough emphasis at the (afternoon) meeting because obviously (at Tuesday night's meeting) there were a couple of people who said they would've talked about it.
"But other than Kevin, nobody mentioned anything."
When asked what would happen if council happened to let a proclamation request, such as one for White Pride Day, slip by, Van Tighem insisted it couldn't happen.
"Oh, they'd hear about it," said Van Tighem.
OutNorth spokesperson Don Babey issued a sarcastically worded press release Wednesday, stating the group feels "welcome and accepted, notwithstanding the way council has decided to mock our request."
He later said Woytuik's request - and its acceptance - is proof that homophobia is alive and well. "I guess it just goes to show you how varied the opinions on city council are," said Babey. "They're probably pretty representative of the community-at-large. There still is an undercurrent of resentment and homophobia that exists, and sometimes it comes out in ways like this."
OutNorth's requests for a Gay Pride Day were rejected three times before council narrowly approved it in 1998.
Babey said the June 10 festivities will go on as usual in front of the post office with OutNorth members and supporters handing out free slices of cake, followed by a dance later that night or the next at the Explorer Hotel.
As for celebrating heterosexuals, Babey said, "Tell us where Heterosexual Day will be celebrated, and we'll be there."