Richard Edjericon: Looking forward to the next election. - Kent Driscoll/NNSL photo
Kent Driscoll
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (May 23/05) - By a vote of 44 to 36, Richard Edjericon defeated Garth Wallbridge for the Conservative nomination in the Western Arctic riding.
The turning point appeared to be a debate over the issue of same-sex marriage, an issue so important that moderator Dave McPherson allowed the candidates twice as long to answer.
Edjericon is against it. For that, he received one of the loudest rounds of applause of the night.
Wallbridge said he would support same-sex marriage in an open vote, but would back his party in a party vote.
Wallbridge later criticized Western Arctic MP Ethel Blondin-Andrew for sticking with her party over the gun registry.
Fred Turner was quick to point out the contrast.
"Perhaps you can explain to me how you can attack her and still do virtually the same thing there," asked Turner.
They answered questions about reforming the senate, drugs and immigration, but personal style was the biggest difference between the two.
For information, Edjericon had a one-page pamphlet and Wallbridge had a thick book.
Both wore blue, but Wallbridge wore a tie, and Edjericon wore a traditional vest. Edjericon was soft spoken, Wallbridge didn't need the microphone.
In his victory speech, Edjericon said, "I'm looking forward to the next election and I'll do my best to be here in August as your next MP."