Aurora College president Maurice Evans, right, with elder Rosie Sewi from Deline, who was presented with an Honourary Certificate in Traditional Arts.
Jason Unrau
Northern News Services
Inuvik (May 20/05) - As Aurora College continues to prepare Northern residents to take on meaningful positions in the NWT workforce, it has not forgotten the importance of and its role in maintaining aboriginal culture.
During Friday's graduation ceremony, the college honoured two NWT elders for their work in keeping aboriginal cultures vibrant.
Rosie Sewi of Deline was presented with an Honourary Certificate in Traditional Arts.
Board of Governors representative for the college, Ernest Pokiak, called Sewi's contributions "significant" adding, "She has volunteered her time and art materials in order to teach others those skills that keep traditional arts alive."
"Today, she spreads her skills throughout her home community... (and) is quick to share her gifts in such areas as sewing, working with hides and storytelling. She is a major force in helping to keep the North Slavey language alive."
Maurice Mendo of Tulita was the second elder to be recognized in this manner, with a certificate naming him as an honourary Aboriginal Language and Culture Instructor.
"Maurice has been described as a pillar in the community of Tulita and a storehouse of valuable information... rich in historical, traditional and cultural significance," said Pokiak.