Usually, they hold promises of good things to come, like gifts and treats awarded for the best work with crayon on paper.
Assistant pool supervisor Gwen Hysert tapes up posters drawn by kids and dedicated to their mothers. |
Assistant pool supervisor Gwen Hysert said for Mother's Day, however, they thought it would be nice to treat the moms this time.
Prizes, including candles and gifts certificates for a well-deserved dinner, were handed out Saturday during the Mother's Day swim.
"Instead of kids winning a prize, this time it's for their mommies," said Hysert, pointing to a wall behind the pool festooned with kids' coloured drawings dedicated to their mothers.
The kids were asked to write a few comments accompanying their drawing explaining why their mothers were so great.
Not everyone wrote in their thoughts, but certainly all the posters were well-coloured.
We're still trying to figure out who the winners were but here's what a few of the kids had to say:
Wilson Elliot, age 4: She lets me eat cookie dough when she bakes crafts with me. Is goofy. Makes good snowballs. Laughs a lot. Reads stories."
Jake Austin: "Really nice."
Nicolas Bennett, age 4: "She helps me with stuff."
Chloe Duval, age 6: "She takes care of me when I am sick."
Chantelle Duval, age 8: "She gave me life."
Katie LaRiviere, age 8: "She helps me clean up my room and is very nice to me."