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Caribou Carnival boss quits

Mike W. Bryant
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Feb 02/05) - Board members and staff say they are shocked to hear Caribou Carnival president Pat McMahon has resigned after less than four months on the job.

McMahon issued a terse e-mail yesterday, stating that she was resigning immediately "due to previous personal and business commitments."

Pat McMahon

The carnival's 50th anniversary festivities are less than two months away, scheduled to be held March 24-27. McMahon was elected president by the board on Oct. 19.

News of her resignation has the carnival's board of directors scrambling to organize a meeting this week to try and find a replacement.

"I think that's primary - to get this meeting happening and to resolve this glitch," said acting vice-president Gisele Forget.

When asked if she was still feeling positive about the event, Forget said:"I must admit I was shocked to read (the e-mail). I didn't anticipate this would happen."

The election of the former Yellowknife mayor to the carnival presidency was viewed by many as a positive step.

The carnival was almost cancelled in 2003, but was revived to a full three-day event last year. The festival's board began working last October and even hired a full-time co-ordinator in preparation for this year's big 50th anniversary bash.

"From what I've seen in the paper, like everyone, it looks as though things are on track and running," said past-president Ellie Sasseville.

Festival co-ordinator Carol Van Tighem said she didn't learn of McMahon's resignation until contacted by Yellowknifer yesterday afternoon.

Van Tighem said the last time she talked to McMahon was on Saturday. She said McMahon gave no inkling that she was about to resign.

Van Tighem said the carnival's 50th anniversary plans are on track.

"We've got excellent community support, our sponsors are happy and it's all just going great."

Her husband, Mayor Gord Van Tighem, said despite McMahon's short tenure on the carnival board she did a lot to get the festival up and running again.

McMahon could not be reached for comment.