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Man collapses on the job

Jason Unrau
Northern News Services

Inuvik (Feb 11/05) - A Matco employee who collapsed on the job Jan. 24 was apparently the victim of carbon monoxide poisoning.

One day after the incident, Matco manager Clarence Wood told the Drum the Workers Compensation Board (WCB) was not investigating the possibility of carbon monoxide poisoning.

However, the employee - who wanted to remain anonymous - says an Inuvik doctor who examined him found that he had a nearly lethal amount of carbon monoxide in his blood at 30 per cent.

The employee had been operating a forklift in the back of a 53 foot trailer when he fell unconscious.

According to Bill Wong, Senior Safety Officer with the WCB in Inuvik, investigation of the matter falls under federal jurisdiction.

"I don't mind looking into it but my hands are tied," he said.

"Any compensation comes from the WCB but we have no jurisdiction for an investigation."

Terry Baker, regional manager for Alberta, NWT and Nunavut Human Resources and Development Canada (HRDC), explained that because the worker was employed with a transportation company, the investigation will be conducted by HRDC.

Baker was unable to comment on any particulars of the investigation, except to say that it was currently underway.