Following a Jan. 18 meeting, which attracted about 15 people, Duncan Canvin said the business organization is seeking to raise its profile by advertising its members and services territory-wide. Another idea is to place business card portfolios in motel rooms.
To help with these initiatives and other tasks, the Chamber will approach village council in hopes of sharing a new industry-related position being created through government money.
"That person can also help apply for funding for different projects that the Chamber might have as well," said Canvin, acting Chamber president, or "manager" as he prefers to be called. "We will get some of these initiatives moving so the next executive can have a ball they can run with."
Chamber meetings were seldom over the past year, but Canvin, a past president, said he continued to make Fort Simpson's voice heard in Yellowknife through his participation in the NWTChamber of Commerce.
The Chamber had close to 50 paid members a few years ago. Membership dues, which remain at the same rate, will soon be due for this year, Canvin said, adding that the group's bottom line needs a boost. The next meeting is set for Feb. 1.
One concern that Canvin said he's raised with MLA Kevin Menicoche is the vacancies at the Department of Economic Development in Fort Simpson. The loans officer position has been vacant for several years, Canvin noted.
"There's the economic contribution, but there's also a social contribution by these people that get hired. They become coaches and volunteers," he said.
Menicoche said he questioned RWED officials about the three vacancies ‚ the loans officer, manager of trade and investment and the regional petroleum advisor ‚ and he was assured that RWED is taking time to find suitable candidates.
"I think in (this time of) fiscal restraint, we've got to be happy that those positions are existing," said Menicoche.
"The second thing is, yeah, let's get them filled." He added that he's also been lobbying to get a position from the GNWT's pipeline readiness office in Hay River relocated to Fort Simpson.