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School Board Briefs: $40,000 boost

Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Jan 26/05) - Yellowknife Catholic schools got a big boost and an even bigger cheque during a presentation at Wednesday's meeting.

Glenn Zelinski of Diavik Diamond Mines handed $40,000 over to chairperson Shannon Gullberg. The money will be used to buy equipment for the Kimberlite Career and Technical Centre's welding program.

Jumping for Jeopardy

Co-ordinator Allyson Stroeder couldn't let the first anniversary of the Kimberlite Career and Technical Centre pass by quietly.

Stroeder enticed the panel of board members and one student to play a YCS version of the game show Jeopardy. The game featured trades and technology trivia at the school board's regular board meeting Jan. 19.

Trustee Debbi Ross lived up to her self-pronounced high achiever status to win the round, which included information about construction projects, student achievements and program information.

The second semester of programming for Catholic school students and Aurora College students ended last week, marking the first anniversary of the almost $2 million trades centre.

Fuel lock in

The Catholic district has locked in its crude oil price at 52 cents per litre until the end of April to avoid any rise in the cost of heating fuel in the coming months.

The district was paying 59 cents per litre in December, up from an average of 44 cents per litre in 2003/2004.

When prices dropped this month, they took advantage of the opportunity to lock in at the lower rate rather than risking further increases. The cost of fuel fluctuates as the world price of oil changes. Surging costs have helped put the district $73,000 over budget, according to the January finance report presented by trustee Debbi Ross.