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Kerrin's eyes Ykers palates

Stephan Burnett
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Nov 03/04) - Business may be slow to start, but Kerrin Patterson has faith in people's palate.

Patterson is the new owner of Kerrin's Restaurant, located in the Igloo Inn, which opened a week ago.

NNSL photo

Kerrin Patterson hopes that and the restaurant's ambiance will attract diners. - Stephan Burnett/NNSL photo

Patterson is an experienced restaurateur and cook, having run the Wildcat Cafe for the past three years.

She says she jumped at the chance to run her own business.

"I see something I want to do and I go for it," says Patterson.

The menu at Kerrin's is unique, says Patterson. And that's what she says will draw clients.

Kerrin's features beans and wieners and Coney Island fries.

The dinner menu includes a mogul dish, butter chicken, Greek inspired lamb shanks and a Moroccan buffalo stew.

"It's stuff that you can't get anywhere else," she says.

Patterson, who is also a cook, says all the recipes are hers.

Apart from running the restaurant, she will also be the cook for dinners.

The entire Igloo Inn has been renovated recently.

There's a warm and cozy feel as you enter the restaurant, which seats 22.

Pressed flowers are held within a door, which sits decoratively within the restaurant. A couple of Terry Pamplin artworks hang on the walls.

The new restaurant is open from 5:30 a.m., but serves a limited breakfast until 7 a.m., at which time eggs can also be ordered.