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Lights are on, few at home

Mike W. Bryant
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Nov 29/04) - A meeting of the panel that regulates water licences and land-use permits outside settled land claim areas was cancelled earlier this month because not enough members attended to make quorum.

The executive director of the Mackenzie Land and Water Board says he isn't sure when a shortfall of members will be rectified or even how the process to appoint them really works.

Only two members on the water board showed up at that meeting. Three members are needed to reach quorum.

Membership to the panel normally consists of seven appointed members, including the chair, but there are only four sitting with the panel now, with one vacancy dating back to April of this year.

The term for interim chair, Stephen Nielsen, is due to expire next month.

Members are ultimately appointed by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC). The board is required by law to make decisions on whether to issue land-use permits within 42 days. That could prove difficult if the board has to cancel meetings.

"From what I understand in discussions there is no well-defined procedure (on appointments)," said executive director Bob Wooley.

"And if there is, I hope someday (INAC) will give it to us."

James Lawrance, INAC's director of aboriginal and territorial relations, said it sometimes takes time to fill appointments and do security background checks of all appointees.

The minister is expected to name two more members to the panel soon, he said.

As far as quorum goes, Lawrance said the board can choose to meet as a panel of the whole, for which there are normally 17 members altogether, including those belonging to the Sahtu and Gwich'in Land and Water Boards. "They can call upon all their members in order to have meetings," said Lawrance.