The couple endured a few calamities while on vacation in that province earlier this summer.
![]() Connie McNab had the cast removed from her right leg on Friday but she still has to use a cane. - Derek Neary/NNSL photo |
The McNabs were having a fabulous time on July 28 when they attended a Cher concert at Sask Place in Saskatoon.
Aaron and Connie bumped into some friends and caught a ride with them afterwards.
They pulled into a gas station. Connie opened her door and stepped out but the car rolled over her foot, breaking her ankle.
"It just happened in a second," she recalled.
"I thought he put it in park."
She required surgery the next day. That resulted in her meeting Canadian Idol Theresa Sykorka's mother, who was one of her nurses at the hospital. Connie promised to vote for Sykorka on the show.
Five days later, while driving on one of Saskatchewan's back roads, Aaron struck a deer that leaped out of the tall grass at the roadside.
The accident caused $5,000 worth of damage to the front end of their van.
Maintaining her sense of humour -- at least when she wasn't in severe pain -- Connie told the curious mechanic that her leg was broken when she kicked the deer.
Now astonished, the mechanic assembled his colleagues and asked her to repeat the story, she recalled with a laugh.
Not particularly superstitious, Connie said she couldn't help but wonder if the adage that bad things happen in threes was true.
Sure enough, she received word a short while later that the car Aaron's brother was driving -- owned by Aaron's sister -- had caught fire.
She gives Aaron an enormous amount of credit for remaining patient throughout the entire ordeal, she said.
"And then we tried to go camping and it rained," Connie added. "So when we came back to Alberta I was like, 'Whooo, goodbye Saskatchewan.'"