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Language job post draws little interest

Paul Bickford
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (July 19/04) - A search is on for a new official languages commissioner for the NWT.

A second request for proposals to fill the position closes today.

"We haven't received any formal submissions as of yet," said Andrew Stewart, the operations clerk with the Legislative Assembly, on July 13.

A request for proposals in April netted only two applications.

"They were deemed not suitable," Stewart said.

The role requires an "interesting marriage of skills," he noted, explaining a person must be comfortable in the language field and have experience investigating complaints.

Stewart said there hasn't been a lack of interest in the position, noting about 10 information packages have been picked up, and he hopes there will be submissions by today's deadline.

The commissioner -- an arms-length position from government -- reports directly to the Legislative Assembly.

The former official languages commissioner, Fibbie Tatti, completed a four-year appointment on July 9.

Shannon Gullberg, the commissioner's legal counsel since 1996, has been named acting commissioner. She anticipates being in the role for several months, while submissions are reviewed.

She said the work of the official languages commissioner will continue. "You really couldn't have a gap without someone there."

Gullberg never considered applying to become the full-time commissioner, noting she is happy in her role as legal counsel. She also has other responsibilities, including chair of the Yellowknife Catholic School Board.

The official languages commissioner investigates complaints under the NWT's Official Languages Act, Gullberg explained. "I would encourage people to come forward. It's important work."

The position was created in the 1980s with the passing of the Official Languages Act. There are 11 official languages in the NWT.