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Crime watch

Northern News Services

Yellowknife (May 05/04) - From April 19 to May 2, police in Yellowknife responded to 456 calls for service. And they attended 167 calls to assist with intoxicated persons.

RCMP would like to advise that the NWT Canada Seniors Game members selling car raffle tickets for a draw date of July 30, 2004, had one book of tickets stolen. These tickets were being sold at the flea market. Police are asking the public to be aware that some of these tickets may be sold without authorization and to contact the local RCMP should they have any concerns.

RCMP are also trying to offer a boxing program to Yellowknife youth, but are having difficulty with finding a space.

They are looking for a place to set up the ring permanently which will be used three times a week. If anyone has any space of this type for donation please contact Const. Brent Lackie at 669-5100.