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Farewell to educator

Derek Neary
Northern News Services

Fort Providence (May 28/04) - As the school year winds down for students it is also drawing to a close on Jane Arychuk's tenure at Deh Gah school.

After more than two decades of tireless service in Fort Providence, Arychuk has accepted a job with the Yellowknife 1 school board in Yellowknife.

Arychuk arrived at Deh Gah from Brantford, Ontario, fresh out of the faculty of education at the University of Toronto. She agreed to a job in Fort Providence for one year, but became principal four years later.

"I had no plans of doing that," she said, laughing.

She said she and her husband, Gordon, have decided to move to Yellowknife, three hours away, for personal reasons.

Her most cherished memories will include getting to see her kindergarten students graduate over the past few years, she said.

She has also received many special gifts from staff, parents and students including a Pendleton blanket, a beaded coat made by D'Arcy Moses, needlework that still hangs in her office and a student's journal.

In addition to being an educator, Arychuk has been a hamlet councillor, a member of the Aboriginal Head Start advisory circle and a First Night organizer.

She has been at the forefront of creating fetal alcohol syndrome awareness and coping strategies. As well, she has devoted countless hours to planning class trips and fund-raising.

School secretary Evelyn Head has worked alongside Arychuk for 21 years.

"She's everything to us," said Head. "I'm going to miss Jane, for sure."

Laetitia Levavasseur, one of last year's graduates,

described Arychuk as being very thoughtful and influential.

"She put everybody before her," Levavasseur said. "She did a great job. She was one of the people that pushed me towards my graduation and I'm very thankful for that."

Lois Philipp will take over as Deh Gah principal next year.