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Athletes' night to shine

Darrell Greer
Northern News Services

Baker Lake (May 26/04) - About 150 athletes, parents and coaches attended the Baker Lake Youth Athletics Association's (BLYAA) first annual awards night this past week at the Rachel Arngnammaktiq elementary school gym.

The newly-formed organization presented 29 awards acknowledging the efforts of athletes involved in hockey, basketball, badminton, lacrosse, volleyball, wrestling and soccer.

The BLYAA also presented 40 certificates of recognition to volunteers, coaches, organizers and contributors involved with the various Baker sports programs.

Sport Nunavut's Kyle Seeley, who acts as an advisor to the BLYAA board members, said the association's new logo and mascot (the Blizzard) were also unveiled during the ceremony.

He said the unveiling received an enthusiastic response from those gathered at the event, who braved blizzard conditions to attend.

"We had a lot to celebrate within our sporting community this year," said Seeley.

"We had a number of kids who went to the Arctic Winter Games and really stood out in their respective sports.

"Then you have people like Patrick Angoyoiuaq, 18, who came up through Bruce McKitrick's wrestling program and is now coaching the local program.

"He had some athletes this year who attended the Western Canada Games."

Among the top award winners of the evening were Brad Mainse, who took home the Coach of the Year award, and Dianne Iyago, who was named the first recipient of the BLYAA Spirit Award.

Leanne McLean was named the association's Female Athlete of the Year, while John Ray Mariq was named Male Athlete of the Year.

Generous sponsorships

Seeley said a number of businesses and the hamlet of Baker Lake were recognized by the association for their generous sponsorships and contributions throughout the year.

He said the ceremony was a fitting tribute to the efforts of everyone involved with the Baker Lake sporting community during the past year.

"It was great to see so many of the kids getting recognized for their efforts like that. It was their night and, at the end of the day, the kids are what these programs are all about."