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Top of the world

Dorothy Westerman
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Apr 07/04) - Ask Peter Boggis what his favourite school subject is and he does not hesitate in his response. "Math," he says.

But it is his knowledge of world geography that has earned him first place in the NWT geography challenge at Weledeh Catholic school.

NNSL Photo

Peter Boggis has the world at his fingertips as winner of the NWT portion of the geography challenge. - Dorothy Westerman/NNSL photo

Boggis will go on to compete in the national challenge, May 15.

Trent Hamm, a Grade 7/8 teacher at the school, was organizer of this year's Internet-driven challenge.

"We had 1,900 students in 12 schools across the Northwest Territories, the Yukon and Nunavut participate," Hamm said.

While geography may not be at the top of his favourite course list, Boggis says he still enjoys learning about the world around him through reading, and travel and programs on the Discovery channel.

"He's good at it (the subject) without trying to be," Hamm said. Students were quizzed about weather, culture, people and topography in the online competition.

The 10th annual competition was organized by the Canadian Council for Geographic Education and is open to students in Grades 4 through 10.

Other winners include: Komal Chhabra of Iqaluit, Lars Hartling of Whitehorse, Curtis MacPherson of P.E.I.