Darrell Greer
Northern News Services
Gearing up for her third election bid, Lindell says she'll let her past record speak for itself.
She says she's not concerned with Manitok Thompson's decision to run as an independent candidate, nor the former education minister's contention the nominee selection date was delayed about a month due to her (Lindell's) busy schedule. "As far as Thompson is concerned, she's just another candidate to me. I try and keep my campaign above board and I can't be responsible for other people's actions.
"I prefer to treat everyone with courtesy and respect and I will do so against any opponent."Lindell says she looks at the upcoming term as a new and unique challenge.
She says the next four years hold the potential for the federal and territorial governments to work together and build on past accomplishments. "Some tremendous things have happened during the past five years.
"These are exciting times and I look forward to continuing to serve the people, which this job has always been about for me."