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Whale Cove residents happy to have daycare

Neils Christensen
Northern News Services

Whale Cove (Apr 07/04) - Having a daycare in Whale Cove has taken a lot of stress off working parents.

For the past two months, the Akulliriit Daycare has been in full operation and some parents say it's been a long time coming. This is the first daycare the community has ever had.

For Mary Adjuk, a full-time working parent, the new facility has been great. "The daycare is very needed in this community," she said. "We've been waiting for a long time."

Before the centre started, Adjuk said she had many problems finding babysitters for her two-year old son. She would have family members look after her son while she worked.

"There were times when I went on the radio looking for a babysitter and I couldn't find one," she said. "I no longer have to worry about who's going to take care of my son."

Debbie Arualak, manager of Akulliriit Daycare, said she is happy to see the centre running.

Arualak has been working on the project since last August. After resolving some insurance problems, she was finally able to open the doors in the middle of January.

Since then, she said, she and her three staff members have kept very busy.

"So far our afternoons are full," she said. "We usually have about eight to 10 children in the morning. We have 15 children in the afternoon."

The best part about the centre, Arualak said, is working with the children.

"It's fun to see them come here and see all the toys they can play with. I don't think they want to go home."

While the facility has been open for two months, Arualak said they still have to have a grand opening. They hope to be able to show off the new daycare by the end of March.