Erin Fletcher
Northern News Services
More than 30 people attended the meeting, hosted by the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board at the Midnight Sun Recreation Complex.
The "scoping session" is part of the environmental assessment the board is presently compiling.
Community members were invited to ask questions and air concerns about the pipeline and its impact on the socio-economic and environment conditions of the region to the board and representatives of the Mackenzie Gas Project.
Inuvik resident Ruth Wright was concerned the impact noise from the compressor stations located along the pipeline route will have on wildlife. She also wanted the group to commit to cleaning up the mess 25 years from now and to use local grass seed and not southern seed over the pipeline right of way.
"The camp at Campbell Creek is sitting on my berry patch," she said of the design plans for a facility that will be built in Inuvik.
For more on this meeting read Monday's News/North.